It's electrifying... building continues, week 6

This week we had the builders come back for one day to put in the second window in the kitchen area... definitely an improvement to the original plans. Since we had to wait all week for the electrician to come, the builders couldn't really do a whole heap so we didn't see much of them at all this week. The electrician came on Friday to talk about where to put lights, power points, light fittings etc, and they managed to start some of the work that day too. However, during one of the trips up in the ceiling space, that is exactly what the apprentice did... triped and put a big hole through our ceiling at the top of the stairs (see pics!). Anyhow, I'm sure that will get fixed when the plasterer comes in.
Regarding the pregnancy, I am nearly 23 weeks now and the belly button is slowly flattening out (bit like Kiai on the couch!). I have had to put my usual work trousers to the rear of the wardrobe now, and I've had to go clothes shopping... which I don't like at the best of times, but the situation is calling for it!
Can't believe he did that !! Looking forward to the fashion parade of your new wardrobe...xx
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