Happy *Corrected* Birthday Isla !
Yay, Happy "corrected" birthday to Isla... she has finally reached her due date which was the 15th May. Sorry for not blogging sooner but it is amazing how few things you can get done with such a little thing like Isla.
So here are Isla's stats:
24th March / 15th May
actual bday / corrected bday
Weight: 2.1kg / 3.6kg
Length: 44.5cm / 51 cm
Head : 30cm / 35.8cm
So you can see that our gorgeous girl has grown heaps in the past 7 and a half weeks, her stats show her to be between the 50th and 75th percentile for full term babies which is just perfect. We have to account for Isla's corrected birthday since all her milestones are based from this date and not her actual birth day, so we are very excited about seeing when she smiles, chuckles, rolls over etc, but as we all know already, she can lift her head up very well.
Isla's aunty Sue has arrived from the UK so here she is giving our girl a big cuddle
Since Sue has arrived, we actually have had a couple of family portraits taken by her.
And here is a very special one of Mum and daughter.