GoMA and GoIsla
A few weeks ago we took Isla on a journey to the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane. We decided to take the bus since Isla has not been on one yet and we also didn't want the hassle of finding a park for the car (as well as saving the environment of course!).
We had a walk around the museum first - we would have loved to let Isla loose, but she is so curious we were worried about the displays so Duncan kept her close in the sling. However, when we were outside we put her down and yep, she let loose!
Isla wanted to get going but she wanted to go FAST! Unfortunately, what Isla wants to do, and what she can do is sometime - no, actually - most of the time not the same. Isla tried running but fell over. Now, I have a question. Are we bad parents for ignoring her "Ow, Ow's" and her rubbing her knee while we told her to get up and get moving? Hmmmm.... I didn't think so, but we sure felt bad when at bath time that night we had to peel the stockings off her knee because she had scraped it pretty bad. :( Well, she survived her first scrape and she has had great pleasure since picking the crusty scab that it left.

Running again(!) inside GoMA in the children's art section

Cool touchy feely art piece that Isla really liked.

In the gallery where Isla discovered her voice echo's rather nicely so she kept going, and going, and going.

Finally, here she is with her fresh wound (nicely cleaned by mum)
What a brave girl!