Howdy folks... Isla has now been home for a whole week and despite the lack of sleep, it's been brilliant! Isla is a very placid baby, she doesn't cry very much - actually the only time she does make it clear she isn't happy is when she is being taken out of the bath (must be a bit cold for her). She is feeding well (every 2 to 2+1/2 hrs) and at the last weigh in she was 2.9kg. It has been lovely being home as a family and we are very pleased that Duncan still has another week and a half before he has to return to work.
Duncan and Tash
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Fingers Crossed
Well finally Tash is "rooming in". Which means that she is in hospital with Isla in their own room. Tash went in yesterday Monday the 17th. The idea is that Isla relies totally on Tash for all her feeding. The Doctors then assess Isla's progress tommorow and let her come home. All of Isla's tubes and monitors were removed, so we could finally see what our little girl looks like without being wired up! So fingers crossed Isla will be home by lunchtime tommorow Wednesday the 19th of April, the best early birthday present I could possibly wish for. Well I'd better get some sleep as it may be my last for a while, I'll post the pics when I get a chance. Yippeeeee
Monday, April 17, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Quick Update
Hello everyone, this is just a quick update to let you all know that Isla is doing very well and fingers crossed could be home within a week. The renovations are coming along nicely and will hopefully be well and truely on the way to completion by the time Isla comes home.
A small clarification in regards to Isla's name. Her name is pronounced Ila, the "s" is silent as in Island. Hopefully this clears things up.
We will upload some pics when we have some more time and we look forward to your comments.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Thanks again!!!!!

We have never experienced so much love until we met our little girl Isla. It wasn't just the love between Isla and ourselves but the network between friends and family. Without naming names we would like to thank all the friends, family, cousins, neighbours, friends of friends, parents of friends and friends of parents, work mates, long lost friends,long distance friends, inlaws-inlaws... and the list goes on. The support from all of you has been amazing since we have needed it, and we have certainly used it!!! We just can't wait to get our angel home.... Cheers. We hope you like the pic, it makes us laugh everytime.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
more of Isla
More pics of Isla as requested by Aunty Sue...... here is Isla in the isolette under phototherapy for her jaundice. Take note of the little eye mask that she has to wear to protect her eyes. She didn't like being there as none of us would like it either.
She has now finished under the lights and has been transfered to special care nursery 1, which the nurses tell me is referred to as the fat farm! This is very good since it means she is doing extremely well. We are now allowed to dress her in little clothes, but here she is in one of the hospital dresses.
Kangaroo Care - As part of Isla's treatment, Dunk and I must give her Kangaroo Care, which is where we cuddle her skin to skin for an hour or two. We just love this special time together since it satisfies so many of our needs and hers.